Past Christian Brothers


IMPORTANT NOTE: These records are calculated based only on the data available in the Rugby League Project database. They are not official or necessarily complete figures and should be used as a guide only.

All Time

Most appearances by a player in games for Past Christian Brothers

Rank Appearances Holder Matches
1. 6 Ian Dauth List
6 Jeff Burns List
6 Eric Kennedy List
6 Tony Rea List
6 Tony Elliot List
6 Jim Stafford List
6 Trevor Bailey List
6 Greg Smith List
9. 5 Peter McNamara List
5 Murray Schultz List
5 Allan Rafton List
5 Peter Gill List
5 Brett Le Man List
5 Vince O'Brien List
5 Robert Grogan List

Most tries by a player in games for Past Christian Brothers

Rank Tries Holder Matches
1. 5 Ian Dauth List
5 Vince O'Brien List
5 Tony Rea List
4. 3 Tony Elliot List

Most goals by a player in games for Past Christian Brothers

Rank Goals Holder Matches
1. 15 Ian Dauth List
2. 10 Tony Rea List
3. 6 Trevor Bailey List
4. 3 Nev Harman List

Most points by a player in games for Past Christian Brothers

Rank Points Holder Matches
1. 45 Ian Dauth List
2. 40 Tony Rea List
3. 20 Vince O'Brien List
4. 16 Trevor Bailey List
5. 12 Tony Elliot List
6. 8 Brian McCarthy List
8 Greg Smith List
8 Eric Kennedy List
8 Mark Coyne List
8 Jason Stafford List

Biggest crowds in games for Past Christian Brothers

Rank Amount When
1. 36,188 14/09/1968 - Past Christian Bros 21 - Easts 4
2. 33,000 07/06/1987 - Past Christian Bros 10 - Redcliffe 32
3. 31,470 09/09/1967 - Past Christian Bros 6 - Norths 2
4. 25,000 20/09/1987 - Past Christian Bros 26 - Redcliffe 8
5. 20,000 01/09/1957 - Past Christian Bros 20 - Fortitude Valley 12
20,000 20/09/1958 - Past Christian Bros 22 - Fortitude Valley 7
20,000 20/10/1968 - Past Christian Bros 15 - South Sydney 55
8. 17,500 27/08/1967 - Past Christian Bros 24 - Easts 7
9. 15,182 02/09/1967 - Past Christian Bros 12 - Fortitude Valley 8
10. 14,781 13/09/1958 - Past Christian Bros 37 - Wests 5

Smallest crowds in games for Past Christian Brothers

Rank Amount When
1. 3,000 19/09/1925 - Past Christian Bros 12 - Coorparoo 2
3,000 14/08/1943 - Past Christian Bros 13 - Fortitude Valley 7
3. 3,300 02/09/1939 - Past Christian Bros 21 - Fortitude Valley 19
4. 4,000 24/08/1946 - Past Christian Bros 17 - Southern Suburbs 8
5. 5,000 13/09/1924 - Past Christian Bros 24 - Coorparoo 5
5,000 20/09/1924 - Past Christian Bros 23 - Fortitude Valley 3
5,000 25/08/1956 - Past Christian Bros 16 - Wests 8
8. 7,000 31/08/1918 - Past Christian Bros 10 - South Sydney 28
7,000 09/09/1939 - Past Christian Bros 11 - Norths 9
10. 7,500 06/09/1987 - Past Christian Bros 25 - Norths 16

Team Records - Season

Most points scored by Past Christian Brothers in a season

Rank Amount When
1. 442 points BRL 1987
2. 438 points BRL 1985
3. 372 points BRL 1984
4. 350 points BRL 1979
5. 342 points BRL 1980
6. 332 points BRL 1986
7. 309 points BRL 1981
8. 301 points BRL 1977
9. 276 points BRL 1978
10. 195 points BRL 1982

Most points conceded by Past Christian Brothers in a season

Rank Amount When
1. 488 points BRL 1979
2. 474 points BRL 1978
3. 405 points BRL 1981
4. 355 points BRL 1984
5. 341 points BRL 1977
6. 326 points BRL 1980
7. 297 points BRL 1983
8. 291 points BRL 1985
9. 231 points BRL 1986
231 points BRL 1982

Most points scored per game on average by Past Christian Brothers in a season (minimum 4 games)

Rank Amount When
1. 27.6250 (16 games) BRL 1987
2. 20.8571 (21 games) BRL 1985
3. 20.7500 (16 games) BRL 1986
4. 17.7143 (21 games) BRL 1984
5. 16.6667 (21 games) BRL 1979
6. 16.2857 (21 games) BRL 1980
7. 14.7143 (21 games) BRL 1981
8. 14.3333 (21 games) BRL 1977
9. 13.9286 (14 games) BRL 1982
10. 13.7143 (14 games) BRL 1983

Most points conceded per game on average by Past Christian Brothers in a season (minimum 4 games)

Rank Amount When
1. 23.2381 (21 games) BRL 1979
2. 22.5714 (21 games) BRL 1978
3. 21.2143 (14 games) BRL 1983
4. 20.0952 (21 games) BRL 1981
5. 16.9048 (21 games) BRL 1984
6. 16.5000 (14 games) BRL 1982
7. 16.2381 (21 games) BRL 1977
8. 15.5238 (21 games) BRL 1980
9. 14.4375 (16 games) BRL 1986
10. 14.1875 (16 games) BRL 1987

Fewest points scored per game on average by Past Christian Brothers in a season (minimum 4 games)

Rank Amount When
1. 13.1429 (21 games) BRL 1978
2. 13.7143 (14 games) BRL 1983
3. 13.9286 (14 games) BRL 1982
4. 14.3333 (21 games) BRL 1977
5. 14.7143 (21 games) BRL 1981
6. 16.2857 (21 games) BRL 1980
7. 16.6667 (21 games) BRL 1979
8. 17.7143 (21 games) BRL 1984
9. 20.7500 (16 games) BRL 1986
10. 20.8571 (21 games) BRL 1985

Fewest points conceded per game on average by Past Christian Brothers in a season (minimum 4 games)

Rank Amount When
1. 13.8571 (21 games) BRL 1985
2. 14.1875 (16 games) BRL 1987
3. 14.4375 (16 games) BRL 1986
4. 15.5238 (21 games) BRL 1980
5. 16.2381 (21 games) BRL 1977
6. 16.5000 (14 games) BRL 1982
7. 16.9048 (21 games) BRL 1984
8. 20.0952 (21 games) BRL 1981
9. 21.2143 (14 games) BRL 1983
10. 22.5714 (21 games) BRL 1978

Most tries by Past Christian Brothers in a season

Rank Amount When
1. 28 tries BRL 1987
2. 7 tries AMCO Cup 1976
3. 5 tries AMCO Cup 1977
4. 2 tries AMCO Cup 1975
2 tries South Sydney Tour 1918

Most goals by Past Christian Brothers in a season

Rank Amount When
1. 16 goals BRL 1987
2. 5 goals AMCO Cup 1975
5 goals AMCO Cup 1976
5 goals AMCO Cup 1977
5. 2 goals South Sydney Tour 1918

Team Records - Season - Attack/Defense Ratings

The numbers shown in these records reflect the average number of points scored in the corresponding competition. A value of 100% represents the average number of points.

Best attack rating by Past Christian Brothers in a season in games (minimum 4 games)

Rank Amount When
1. 137.46% BRL 1987
2. 118.67% BRL 1986
3. 117.62% BRL 1985
4. 100.98% BRL 1984
5. 93.18% BRL 1979
6. 91.87% BRL 1980
7. 90.15% BRL 1981
8. 87.20% BRL 1982
9. 86.49% BRL 1977
10. 78.16% BRL 1978

Best defense rating by Past Christian Brothers in a season in games (minimum 4 games)

Rank Amount When
1. 70.59% BRL 1987
2. 78.15% BRL 1985
3. 82.57% BRL 1986
4. 87.58% BRL 1980
5. 96.37% BRL 1984
6. 97.99% BRL 1977
7. 103.30% BRL 1982
8. 119.40% BRL 1983
9. 123.12% BRL 1981
10. 129.92% BRL 1979

Worst attack rating by Past Christian Brothers in a season in games (minimum 4 games)

Rank Amount When
1. 77.19% BRL 1983
2. 78.16% BRL 1978
3. 86.49% BRL 1977
4. 87.20% BRL 1982
5. 90.15% BRL 1981
6. 91.87% BRL 1980
7. 93.18% BRL 1979
8. 100.98% BRL 1984
9. 117.62% BRL 1985
10. 118.67% BRL 1986

Worst defense rating by Past Christian Brothers in a season in games (minimum 4 games)

Rank Amount When
1. 134.23% BRL 1978
2. 129.92% BRL 1979
3. 123.12% BRL 1981
4. 119.40% BRL 1983
5. 103.30% BRL 1982
6. 97.99% BRL 1977
7. 96.37% BRL 1984
8. 87.58% BRL 1980
9. 82.57% BRL 1986
10. 78.15% BRL 1985

Team Records - Match

Biggest winning margin in games

Rank Amount When
1. 50 points 28/06/1987 - Past Christian Bros 54 - Easts 4
2. 48 points 10/05/1987 - Central QLD 6 - Past Christian Bros 54
3. 42 points 15/04/1984 - Central QLD 6 - Past Christian Bros 48
4. 40 points 03/08/1986 - Past Christian Bros 40 - Easts 0
5. 36 points 09/06/1985 - Past Christian Bros 48 - Wynnum-Manly 12
36 points 14/06/1987 - Wests 4 - Past Christian Bros 40
7. 35 points 27/03/1978 - Past Christian Bros 38 - Fortitude Valley 3
8. 34 points 02/03/1984 - Past Christian Bros 34 - Easts 0
34 points 01/06/1986 - Norths 2 - Past Christian Bros 36
34 points 01/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 44 - Easts 10

Biggest losing margin in games

Rank Amount When
1. 49 points 29/03/1978 - Newtown 49 - Past Christian Bros 0
2. 41 points 25/04/1978 - Redcliffe 51 - Past Christian Bros 10
41 points 06/04/1980 - Fortitude Valley 43 - Past Christian Bros 2
4. 40 points 20/10/1968 - Past Christian Bros 15 - South Sydney 55
5. 39 points 01/07/1978 - Past Christian Bros 9 - Easts 48
6. 36 points 16/08/1981 - Easts 46 - Past Christian Bros 10
36 points 09/05/1984 - Wynnum-Manly 38 - Past Christian Bros 2
8. 35 points 07/08/1937 - Fortitude Valley 35 - Past Christian Bros 0
9. 34 points 19/02/1977 - Fortitude Valley 34 - Past Christian Bros 0
34 points 27/04/1986 - Redcliffe 40 - Past Christian Bros 6

Most points by Past Christian Brothers in a match in games

Rank Amount When
1. 54 points 10/05/1987 - Central QLD 6 - Past Christian Bros 54
54 points 28/06/1987 - Past Christian Bros 54 - Easts 4
3. 52 points 27/03/1983 - Gold Coast Firsts 22 - Past Christian Bros 52
4. 48 points 15/04/1984 - Central QLD 6 - Past Christian Bros 48
48 points 09/06/1985 - Past Christian Bros 48 - Wynnum-Manly 12
6. 45 points 28/04/1985 - Easts 18 - Past Christian Bros 45
7. 44 points 28/03/1982 - Past Christian Bros 44 - Central QLD 12
44 points 01/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 44 - Easts 10
9. 40 points 05/08/1984 - Past Christian Bros 40 - Redcliffe 36
40 points 14/07/1985 - Past Christian Bros 40 - Wests 13
40 points 11/05/1986 - Wide Bay 14 - Past Christian Bros 40
40 points 03/08/1986 - Past Christian Bros 40 - Easts 0
40 points 14/06/1987 - Wests 4 - Past Christian Bros 40

Most tries by Past Christian Brothers in a match in games

Rank Amount When
1. 9 tries 01/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 44 - Easts 10
2. 5 tries 07/04/1976 - Past Christian Bros 19 - Penrith 8
5 tries 08/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 26 - Wynnum-Manly 22
5 tries 22/03/1987 - Seagulls-Diehards 12 - Past Christian Bros 26
5 tries 31/05/1987 - Southern Suburbs 30 - Past Christian Bros 26
6. 4 tries 30/03/1977 - Past Christian Bros 16 - Wynnum-Manly 15
4 tries 24/05/1987 - Past Christian Bros 22 - Ipswich 10
8. 3 tries 20/10/1968 - Past Christian Bros 15 - South Sydney 55
9. 2 tries 31/08/1918 - Past Christian Bros 10 - South Sydney 28
2 tries 16/04/1975 - Balmain 24 - Past Christian Bros 16
2 tries 19/05/1976 - Past Christian Bros 12 - Northern Division 6

Most goals by Past Christian Brothers in a match in games

Rank Amount When
1. 5 goals 16/04/1975 - Balmain 24 - Past Christian Bros 16
2. 4 goals 01/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 44 - Easts 10
3. 3 goals 20/10/1968 - Past Christian Bros 15 - South Sydney 55
3 goals 19/05/1976 - Past Christian Bros 12 - Northern Division 6
3 goals 01/06/1977 - Fortitude Valley 13 - Past Christian Bros 9
3 goals 08/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 26 - Wynnum-Manly 22
3 goals 22/03/1987 - Seagulls-Diehards 12 - Past Christian Bros 26
3 goals 24/05/1987 - Past Christian Bros 22 - Ipswich 10
3 goals 31/05/1987 - Southern Suburbs 30 - Past Christian Bros 26
10. 2 goals 31/08/1918 - Past Christian Bros 10 - South Sydney 28
2 goals 07/04/1976 - Past Christian Bros 19 - Penrith 8
2 goals 30/03/1977 - Past Christian Bros 16 - Wynnum-Manly 15

Individual Records - Match

Most points by a player in a match in games

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 14 points Tony Rea (Past Christian Bros) 08/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 26 - Wynnum-Manly 22
14 points Tony Rea (Past Christian Bros) 24/05/1987 - Past Christian Bros 22 - Ipswich 10
3. 13 points Ian Dauth (Past Christian Bros) 16/04/1975 - Balmain 24 - Past Christian Bros 16
4. 12 points Trevor Bailey (Past Christian Bros) 01/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 44 - Easts 10
5. 10 points Ian Dauth (Past Christian Bros) 30/03/1977 - Past Christian Bros 16 - Wynnum-Manly 15
6. 9 points Ian Dauth (Past Christian Bros) 19/05/1976 - Past Christian Bros 12 - Northern Division 6
7. 8 points Brian McCarthy (Past Christian Bros) 01/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 44 - Easts 10
8 points Greg Smith (Past Christian Bros) 01/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 44 - Easts 10
8 points Vince O'Brien (Past Christian Bros) 01/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 44 - Easts 10
8 points Tony Elliot (Past Christian Bros) 31/05/1987 - Southern Suburbs 30 - Past Christian Bros 26

Most tries by a player in a match in games

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 2 tries Ian Dauth (Past Christian Bros) 30/03/1977 - Past Christian Bros 16 - Wynnum-Manly 15
2 tries Brian McCarthy (Past Christian Bros) 01/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 44 - Easts 10
2 tries Greg Smith (Past Christian Bros) 01/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 44 - Easts 10
2 tries Vince O'Brien (Past Christian Bros) 01/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 44 - Easts 10
2 tries Tony Rea (Past Christian Bros) 08/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 26 - Wynnum-Manly 22
2 tries Tony Rea (Past Christian Bros) 24/05/1987 - Past Christian Bros 22 - Ipswich 10
2 tries Tony Elliot (Past Christian Bros) 31/05/1987 - Southern Suburbs 30 - Past Christian Bros 26

Most goals by a player in a match in games

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 5 goals Ian Dauth (Past Christian Bros) 16/04/1975 - Balmain 24 - Past Christian Bros 16
2. 4 goals Trevor Bailey (Past Christian Bros) 01/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 44 - Easts 10
3. 3 goals Nev Harman (Past Christian Bros) 20/10/1968 - Past Christian Bros 15 - South Sydney 55
3 goals Ian Dauth (Past Christian Bros) 19/05/1976 - Past Christian Bros 12 - Northern Division 6
3 goals Ian Dauth (Past Christian Bros) 01/06/1977 - Fortitude Valley 13 - Past Christian Bros 9
3 goals Tony Rea (Past Christian Bros) 08/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 26 - Wynnum-Manly 22
3 goals Tony Rea (Past Christian Bros) 24/05/1987 - Past Christian Bros 22 - Ipswich 10
3 goals Tony Rea (Past Christian Bros) 31/05/1987 - Southern Suburbs 30 - Past Christian Bros 26
9. 2 goals Ian Dauth (Past Christian Bros) 07/04/1976 - Past Christian Bros 19 - Penrith 8
2 goals Ian Dauth (Past Christian Bros) 30/03/1977 - Past Christian Bros 16 - Wynnum-Manly 15
2 goals Trevor Bailey (Past Christian Bros) 22/03/1987 - Seagulls-Diehards 12 - Past Christian Bros 26

Longest Streaks

Longest undefeated streak in games

Rank Amount When
1. 8 games 19/07/1987 - Past Christian Bros 28 - Seagulls-Diehards 19 to 20/09/1987 - Past Christian Bros 26 - Redcliffe 8
2. 7 games 27/07/1986 - Past Christian Bros 18 - Wests 6 to 14/09/1986 - Past Christian Bros 14 - Redcliffe 2
3. 6 games 05/03/1977 - Past Christian Bros 18 - Wests 13 to 10/04/1977 - Past Christian Bros 18 - Southern Suburbs 9
6 games 20/07/1980 - Easts 13 - Past Christian Bros 19 to 23/08/1980 - Norths 10 - Past Christian Bros 13
6 games 07/07/1985 - Past Christian Bros 30 - Norths 16 to 11/08/1985 - Past Christian Bros 20 - Easts 16
6 games 22/02/1987 - Ipswich 8 - Past Christian Bros 10 to 29/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 18 - Norths 4
7. 5 games 27/08/1967 - Past Christian Bros 24 - Easts 7 to 14/09/1968 - Past Christian Bros 21 - Easts 4
5 games 17/07/1977 - Past Christian Bros 23 - Fortitude Valley 13 to 14/08/1977 - Past Christian Bros 22 - Wynnum-Manly 7
5 games 23/02/1986 - Ipswich 14 - Past Christian Bros 32 to 19/03/1986 - Past Christian Bros 12 - Fortitude Valley 10
5 games 04/05/1986 - Toowoomba 6 - Past Christian Bros 8 to 08/06/1986 - Past Christian Bros 36 - Ipswich 8
5 games 12/04/1987 - Past Christian Bros 28 - Southern Suburbs 10 to 10/05/1987 - Central QLD 6 - Past Christian Bros 54
12. 4 games 02/09/1939 - Past Christian Bros 21 - Fortitude Valley 19 to 31/08/1940 - Past Christian Bros 24 - Fortitude Valley 14

Longest winning streak in games

Rank Amount When
1. 8 games 19/07/1987 - Past Christian Bros 28 - Seagulls-Diehards 19 to 20/09/1987 - Past Christian Bros 26 - Redcliffe 8
2. 7 games 27/07/1986 - Past Christian Bros 18 - Wests 6 to 14/09/1986 - Past Christian Bros 14 - Redcliffe 2
3. 6 games 05/03/1977 - Past Christian Bros 18 - Wests 13 to 10/04/1977 - Past Christian Bros 18 - Southern Suburbs 9
6 games 20/07/1980 - Easts 13 - Past Christian Bros 19 to 23/08/1980 - Norths 10 - Past Christian Bros 13
6 games 07/07/1985 - Past Christian Bros 30 - Norths 16 to 11/08/1985 - Past Christian Bros 20 - Easts 16
6 games 22/02/1987 - Ipswich 8 - Past Christian Bros 10 to 29/03/1987 - Past Christian Bros 18 - Norths 4
7. 5 games 27/08/1967 - Past Christian Bros 24 - Easts 7 to 14/09/1968 - Past Christian Bros 21 - Easts 4
5 games 17/07/1977 - Past Christian Bros 23 - Fortitude Valley 13 to 14/08/1977 - Past Christian Bros 22 - Wynnum-Manly 7
5 games 23/02/1986 - Ipswich 14 - Past Christian Bros 32 to 19/03/1986 - Past Christian Bros 12 - Fortitude Valley 10
5 games 04/05/1986 - Toowoomba 6 - Past Christian Bros 8 to 08/06/1986 - Past Christian Bros 36 - Ipswich 8
5 games 12/04/1987 - Past Christian Bros 28 - Southern Suburbs 10 to 10/05/1987 - Central QLD 6 - Past Christian Bros 54
12. 4 games 02/09/1939 - Past Christian Bros 21 - Fortitude Valley 19 to 31/08/1940 - Past Christian Bros 24 - Fortitude Valley 14

Longest unsuccessful streak in games

Rank Amount When
1. 9 games 01/07/1979 - Easts 26 - Past Christian Bros 14 to 22/02/1980 - Southern Suburbs 14 - Past Christian Bros 11
2. 8 games 27/05/1978 - Past Christian Bros 14 - Southern Suburbs 16 to 16/07/1978 - Southern Suburbs 27 - Past Christian Bros 17
3. 7 games 01/06/1977 - Fortitude Valley 13 - Past Christian Bros 9 to 09/07/1977 - Easts 24 - Past Christian Bros 7
4. 5 games 18/03/1979 - Fortitude Valley 24 - Past Christian Bros 9 to 14/04/1979 - Norths 20 - Past Christian Bros 18
5 games 26/04/1981 - Past Christian Bros 15 - Fortitude Valley 17 to 31/05/1981 - Wests 19 - Past Christian Bros 11
5 games 25/04/1982 - Gold Coast Firsts 20 - Past Christian Bros 14 to 06/06/1982 - Norths 26 - Past Christian Bros 10
5 games 25/07/1982 - Redcliffe 16 - Past Christian Bros 0 to 22/08/1982 - Fortitude Valley 18 - Past Christian Bros 12
8. 4 games 20/10/1968 - Past Christian Bros 15 - South Sydney 55 to 27/08/1972 - Fortitude Valley 12 - Past Christian Bros 6
4 games 05/09/1976 - Easts 13 - Past Christian Bros 3 to 25/02/1977 - Norths 24 - Past Christian Bros 12
4 games 15/03/1981 - Past Christian Bros 8 - Southern Suburbs 13 to 12/04/1981 - Norths 17 - Past Christian Bros 15
4 games 31/07/1983 - Past Christian Bros 0 - Redcliffe 16 to 21/08/1983 - Norths 20 - Past Christian Bros 10
4 games 16/03/1984 - Past Christian Bros 17 - Redcliffe 20 to 08/04/1984 - Fortitude Valley 10 - Past Christian Bros 8
13. 3 games 07/08/1937 - Fortitude Valley 35 - Past Christian Bros 0 to 26/08/1939 - Norths 13 - Past Christian Bros 11

Longest losing streak in games

Rank Amount When
1. 8 games 27/05/1978 - Past Christian Bros 14 - Southern Suburbs 16 to 16/07/1978 - Southern Suburbs 27 - Past Christian Bros 17
2. 7 games 01/06/1977 - Fortitude Valley 13 - Past Christian Bros 9 to 09/07/1977 - Easts 24 - Past Christian Bros 7
3. 6 games 01/07/1979 - Easts 26 - Past Christian Bros 14 to 05/08/1979 - Redcliffe 19 - Past Christian Bros 14
4. 5 games 18/03/1979 - Fortitude Valley 24 - Past Christian Bros 9 to 14/04/1979 - Norths 20 - Past Christian Bros 18
5 games 26/04/1981 - Past Christian Bros 15 - Fortitude Valley 17 to 31/05/1981 - Wests 19 - Past Christian Bros 11
5 games 25/04/1982 - Gold Coast Firsts 20 - Past Christian Bros 14 to 06/06/1982 - Norths 26 - Past Christian Bros 10
5 games 25/07/1982 - Redcliffe 16 - Past Christian Bros 0 to 22/08/1982 - Fortitude Valley 18 - Past Christian Bros 12
8. 4 games 20/10/1968 - Past Christian Bros 15 - South Sydney 55 to 27/08/1972 - Fortitude Valley 12 - Past Christian Bros 6
4 games 05/09/1976 - Easts 13 - Past Christian Bros 3 to 25/02/1977 - Norths 24 - Past Christian Bros 12
4 games 31/07/1983 - Past Christian Bros 0 - Redcliffe 16 to 21/08/1983 - Norths 20 - Past Christian Bros 10
4 games 16/03/1984 - Past Christian Bros 17 - Redcliffe 20 to 08/04/1984 - Fortitude Valley 10 - Past Christian Bros 8
12. 3 games 07/08/1937 - Fortitude Valley 35 - Past Christian Bros 0 to 26/08/1939 - Norths 13 - Past Christian Bros 11