France (W)


IMPORTANT NOTE: These records are calculated based only on the data available in the Rugby League Project database. They are not official or necessarily complete figures and should be used as a guide only.

All Time

Most appearances by a player in games for France (W)

Rank Appearances Holder Matches
1. 8 Manon Samarra List
8 Dorine Samarra List
3. 7 Élisa Akpa List
7 Margot Canal List
7 Lauréane Biville List
7 Fanny Ramos List
7. 5 Leïla Bessahli List
5 Cristina Song Puche List
9. 4 Sarah Menaa List
4 Perrine Monseratt List
4 Maïlys Borak List
4 Élisa Ciria List
4 Alice Varela List
4 Élodie Pacull List
4 Cyndia Mansard List
4 Tallis Kuresa List
4 Chloé Guillerot List
4 Salomé Ségala List
4 Justine Roses List
4 Mahault Pommier List
4 Inés Legout List

Most tries by a player in games for France (W)

Rank Tries Holder Matches
1. 5 Lauréane Biville List
5 Margot Canal List
3. 4 Fanny Ramos List
4. 3 Cristina Song Puche List
3 Mélanie Bianchini List
3 Chloé Guillerot List
3 Perle Ramazeilles List
3 Amael Vilanove List

Most goals by a player in games for France (W)

Rank Goals Holder Matches
1. 24 Mahault Pommier List

Most points by a player in games for France (W)

Rank Points Holder Matches
1. 48 Mahault Pommier List
2. 20 Lauréane Biville List
20 Margot Canal List
4. 16 Fanny Ramos List
5. 12 Cristina Song Puche List
12 Élisa Ciria List
12 Mélanie Bianchini List
12 Chloé Guillerot List
12 Perle Ramazeilles List
12 Amael Vilanove List

Team Records - Match

Biggest winning margin in games

Rank Amount When
1. 116 points 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
2. 60 points 10/11/2018 - France (W) 60 - Italy (W) 0
3. 58 points 13/04/2024 - France (W) 58 - Greece (W) 0
4. 54 points 28/09/2019 - Türkiye (W) 0 - France (W) 54
5. 30 points 14/11/2008 - France (W) 34 - Tonga (W) 4
6. 12 points 27/10/2022 - Brazil (W) 4 - France (W) 16
7. 10 points 29/10/2023 - France (W) 14 - Wales (W) 4
8. 8 points 24/02/2018 - France (W) 12 - Italy (W) 4

Biggest losing margin in games

Rank Amount When
1. 92 points 06/11/2022 - Australia (W) 92 - France (W) 0
2. 88 points 05/07/2013 - France (W) 0 - New Zealand (W) 88
3. 72 points 08/07/2013 - France (W) 0 - Australia (W) 72
4. 64 points 29/04/2023 - England (W) 64 - France (W) 0
5. 60 points 06/11/2008 - Australia (W) 60 - France (W) 0
6. 54 points 13/07/2013 - England (W) 54 - France (W) 0
7. 50 points 08/11/2008 - France (W) 4 - England (W) 54
50 points 06/07/2011 - France (W) 6 - England (W) 56
50 points 27/10/2018 - France (W) 4 - England (W) 54
10. 48 points 15/06/2012 - England (W) 48 - France (W) 0

Most points by France (W) in a match in games

Rank Amount When
1. 116 points 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
2. 60 points 10/11/2018 - France (W) 60 - Italy (W) 0
3. 58 points 13/04/2024 - France (W) 58 - Greece (W) 0
4. 54 points 28/09/2019 - Türkiye (W) 0 - France (W) 54
5. 34 points 14/11/2008 - France (W) 34 - Tonga (W) 4
6. 16 points 27/10/2022 - Brazil (W) 4 - France (W) 16
7. 14 points 29/10/2023 - France (W) 14 - Wales (W) 4
8. 12 points 24/02/2018 - France (W) 12 - Italy (W) 4

Most tries by France (W) in a match in games

Rank Amount When
1. 20 tries 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
2. 12 tries 13/04/2024 - France (W) 58 - Greece (W) 0
3. 4 tries 10/11/2022 - France (W) 18 - Cook Islands (W) 26
4. 3 tries 29/10/2023 - France (W) 14 - Wales (W) 4
5. 2 tries 18/06/2022 - England (W) 36 - France (W) 10

Most goals by France (W) in a match in games

Rank Amount When
1. 18 goals 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
2. 5 goals 13/04/2024 - France (W) 58 - Greece (W) 0

Individual Records - Match

Most points by a player in a match in games

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 36 points Mahault Pommier (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
2. 16 points Lauréane Biville (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
16 points Margot Canal (France (W)) 13/04/2024 - France (W) 58 - Greece (W) 0
4. 12 points Chloé Guillerot (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
12 points Amael Vilanove (France (W)) 13/04/2024 - France (W) 58 - Greece (W) 0
6. 10 points Élisa Ciria (France (W)) 10/11/2022 - France (W) 18 - Cook Islands (W) 26
10 points Mahault Pommier (France (W)) 13/04/2024 - France (W) 58 - Greece (W) 0
8. 8 points Justine Roses (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
8 points Fanny Ramos (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
8 points Mélanie Bianchini (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
8 points Lise Michel (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
8 points Perle Ramazeilles (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
8 points Chahrazad Himoudi (France (W)) 13/04/2024 - France (W) 58 - Greece (W) 0

Most tries by a player in a match in games

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 4 tries Lauréane Biville (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
4 tries Margot Canal (France (W)) 13/04/2024 - France (W) 58 - Greece (W) 0
3. 3 tries Chloé Guillerot (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
3 tries Amael Vilanove (France (W)) 13/04/2024 - France (W) 58 - Greece (W) 0
5. 2 tries Élisa Ciria (France (W)) 10/11/2022 - France (W) 18 - Cook Islands (W) 26
2 tries Fanny Ramos (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
2 tries Mélanie Bianchini (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
2 tries Lise Michel (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
2 tries Perle Ramazeilles (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
2 tries Justine Roses (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
2 tries Chahrazad Himoudi (France (W)) 13/04/2024 - France (W) 58 - Greece (W) 0

Most goals by a player in a match in games

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 18 goals Mahault Pommier (France (W)) 18/03/2023 - France (W) 116 - Serbia (W) 0
2. 5 goals Mahault Pommier (France (W)) 13/04/2024 - France (W) 58 - Greece (W) 0

Longest Streaks

Longest undefeated streak in games

Rank Amount When

Longest winning streak in games

Rank Amount When

Longest unsuccessful streak in games

Rank Amount When
1. 15 games 18/07/2009 - France (W) 8 - England (W) 28 to 24/06/2017 - France (W) 8 - England (W) 14
2. 6 games 07/07/2007 - France (W) 2 - England (W) 16 to 12/11/2008 - Samoa (W) 32 - France (W) 0
3. 3 games 02/11/2022 - New Zealand (W) 46 - France (W) 0 to 10/11/2022 - France (W) 18 - Cook Islands (W) 26

Longest losing streak in games

Rank Amount When
1. 11 games 18/07/2009 - France (W) 8 - England (W) 28 to 17/06/2015 - France (W) 4 - England (W) 24
2. 6 games 07/07/2007 - France (W) 2 - England (W) 16 to 12/11/2008 - Samoa (W) 32 - France (W) 0
3. 3 games 22/10/2016 - France (W) 6 - England (W) 36 to 24/06/2017 - France (W) 8 - England (W) 14
3 games 02/11/2022 - New Zealand (W) 46 - France (W) 0 to 10/11/2022 - France (W) 18 - Cook Islands (W) 26