Jack O'Brien

  • Referee Career

Referee Career

Referee Career Statistics

All statistics shown in this section are based only on data available in the RLP database, and are not necessarily a complete and/or 100% accurate representation of a player's career. This information should be used as a guide only. If you see a question mark (?), it denotes that the figure is not available.

To view a list of corresponding matches, click on the List button.


Competition Games  
NSWRFL Premiership (NRL) 261 List
City vs Country Firsts 7 List
NSWRFL Finals 24 List
City Cup 1 List
Interstate Matches 3 List
Tour Matches 9 List
Country Carnival 4 List


Australia (1940-1955) 32 List

Club Career

NSWRFL Premiership (NRL) - By Year

Season Games  
NSWRFL 1940 9 List
NSWRFL 1941 11 List
NSWRFL 1942 19 List
NSWRFL 1943 17 List
NSWRFL 1944 15 List
NSWRFL 1945 14 List
NSWRFL 1946 12 List
NSWRFL 1947 21 List
NSWRFL 1948 17 List
NSWRFL 1949 19 List
NSWRFL 1950 17 List
NSWRFL 1951 19 List
NSWRFL 1952 18 List
NSWRFL 1953 17 List
NSWRFL 1954 18 List
NSWRFL 1955 18 List
NSWRFL Premiership (NRL) (1940-1955) 261 List

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