Cato Manor Sports Field


IMPORTANT NOTE: These records are calculated based only on the data available in the Rugby League Project database. They are not official or necessarily complete figures and should be used as a guide only.

All Time

Most tries by a player in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Tries Holder Matches
1. 4 Ike Southward List

Most goals by a player in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Goals Holder Matches
1. 6 Neil Fox List

Most points by a player in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Points Holder Matches
1. 15 Neil Fox List
2. 12 Ike Southward List
3. 6 Mick Sullivan List
4. 3 Dick Huddart List
3 Peter Small List

Biggest crowds in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Amount Home team When
1. 3,000 South Africa 25/08/1962 - South Africa 33 - Great Britain 39

Smallest crowds in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Amount Home team When
1. 3,000 South Africa 25/08/1962 - South Africa 33 - Great Britain 39

Team Records - Season

Most points scored by a team in a season in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 39 points Great Britain Lions Tour 1962
2. 33 points South Africa Lions Tour 1962

Most tries by a team in a season in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 9 tries Great Britain Lions Tour 1962

Most goals by a team in a season in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 6 goals Great Britain Lions Tour 1962

Most points conceded by a team in a season in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 39 points South Africa Lions Tour 1962
2. 33 points Great Britain Lions Tour 1962

Team Records - Season - Attack/Defense Ratings

The numbers shown in these records reflect the average number of points scored in the corresponding competition. A value of 100% represents the average number of points.

Individual Records - Season

Team Records - Match

Biggest winning margin in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 6 points Great Britain 25/08/1962 - South Africa 33 - Great Britain 39

Most points by a team in a match in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 39 points Great Britain 25/08/1962 - South Africa 33 - Great Britain 39

Most tries by a team in a match in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 9 tries Great Britain 25/08/1962 - South Africa 33 - Great Britain 39

Most goals by a team in a match in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 6 goals Great Britain 25/08/1962 - South Africa 33 - Great Britain 39

Individual Records - Match

Most points by a player in a match in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 15 points Neil Fox (Great Britain) 25/08/1962 - South Africa 33 - Great Britain 39
2. 12 points Ike Southward (Great Britain) 25/08/1962 - South Africa 33 - Great Britain 39
3. 6 points Mick Sullivan (Great Britain) 25/08/1962 - South Africa 33 - Great Britain 39
4. 3 points Dick Huddart (Great Britain) 25/08/1962 - South Africa 33 - Great Britain 39
3 points Peter Small (Great Britain) 25/08/1962 - South Africa 33 - Great Britain 39

Most tries by a player in a match in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 4 tries Ike Southward (Great Britain) 25/08/1962 - South Africa 33 - Great Britain 39
2. 2 tries Mick Sullivan (Great Britain) 25/08/1962 - South Africa 33 - Great Britain 39

Most goals by a player in a match in games at Cato Manor Sports Field

Rank Amount Holder When
1. 6 goals Neil Fox (Great Britain) 25/08/1962 - South Africa 33 - Great Britain 39

Longest Streaks