Colin Ward

Referee Career

Vital Statistics

Monday, 4th January, 1971
Current Age
53 years and 121 days

Referee Career Statistics

All statistics shown in this section are based only on data available in the RLP database, and are not necessarily a complete and/or 100% accurate representation of a player's career. This information should be used as a guide only. If you see a question mark (?), it denotes that the figure is not available.

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Your Say

  • Anonymous

    The ever reliable Ward was a workhorse front rower who knew his role and was given a simple game plan each week by Dragons coach David Waite "Tuck it under your wing and run flat out at their goal posts". A fan of tape around the ears to keep his flowing blond locks in check and hold down his saucepan like ears. Ward had a single season at the Gold Coast Seagulls but fell out with coach John Harvey after telling him he couldn't coach a choko vine over a shithouse. Left precariously on 199 first games after being chosen as the 18th man in Penrith's 1995 premiership tilt.Currently a successful financial planner in the Sutherland Shire and still strapping on the boots for the Dragons Legends team. Ward still likes to keep himself fit on the notorious Wanda sandhills.

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Contributions: Rugby League Tables, Andrew Ferguson, Shawn Dollin, Alan Katzmann, AJ Lucantonio, Greg Fiveash, Paul Carter, Nick Jones, Steven Russo

Sources: ARL Rugby League Yearbook 1997, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 1999, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 2000, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 2003, ARL Rugby League Yearbook 1996, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 2002, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 1998, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 2001, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 2004, NSWRL Rugby League Yearbook 1991-92, NSWRL Rugby League Yearbook 1992-93, NSWRL Rugby League Yearbook 1994, ARL Rugby League Yearbook 1995