Shellie Long

  • Playing Career

Playing Career

Opposite Numbers

This page shows a list of all players this player directly opposed (ie, same position in the same game), as well as a link to all games in question. Please keep in mind it does not include bench appearances.


Opposition Player Games W L D  
CHAPMAN, Jaime 2 - 2 - List
KELLY, Isabelle 2 - 2 - List
TOHI-HIKU, Cassey 2 - 2 - List
AMONE, Cheynoah 1 - 1 - List
ATAI, Kaiyah 1 1 - - List
CIESIOLKA, Shenae 1 - 1 - List
COOLWELL, Keisha-Leigh 1 - 1 - List
FRESSARD, Jayme 1 - 1 - List
HARDCASTLE, Amy 1 - 1 - List
HOLLOWAY-SAMUELS, Chantelle 1 1 - - List
HUFANGA, Mele 1 - 1 - List
LENDILL, Shenai 1 - 1 - List
PARKER, Shanice 1 1 - - List
ROACHE, Abigail 1 1 - - List
ROBINS-RETI, Cheyelle 1 - 1 - List
SANDBOE, Ferris 1 1 - - List
STANLEY, Tara-Jane 1 - 1 - List
TUI, Lindsay 1 - 1 - List
WIKI, Mackenzie 1 - 1 - List
WILLIAMS-GUTHRIE, Niall 1 - 1 - List
WOODS, Petra 1 1 - - List

Second row

Opposition Player Games W L D  
ALBERT-JONES, Laishon 1 - 1 - List
APPS, Kezie 1 1 - - List
CLYDSDALE, Yasmin 1 - 1 - List
SIILATA, Eliza 1 1 - - List