Mediterranean Cup 2004


Note that average ages are calculated based on exact age. For example, if a player is halfway between 24 and 25, their age is regarded as 24.5 in the average. The ages and previous appearance numbers are also based on the date of the first game played in the tournament (02/10/2004).


Player Age T G FG Pts
ALMUZARA, Vincent - 1 - - 4
BOSC, Thomas 21 - 6 - 12
CALEGARI, Christophe 20 5 - - 20
GAGLIAZZO, Romain - 3 - - 12
MOUNIS, Grégory 19 - 1 - 2
Averages 20.40* 0.00 1.80 1.40 0.00 10.00
Totals (5 players) 0 9 7 0 50


Player Age T G FG Pts
AZZI, George 22 1 - - 4
EL MASRI, Ahmad - 8 1 - 34
EL MASRI, Samer - - 7 - 14
EL ZBAIDIEH, Adham - 2 - - 8
FARAH, Anthony - 1 - - 4
FARAH, Charlie - 2 - - 8
HACHACHE, Robin - 1 - - 4
HAYDAMOUS, Gilbert - 1 - - 4
LICHAA, Joe 24 3 - - 12
NDAIRA, George 19 2 - - 8
NICHOLAS, Toufic - 3 15 - 42
NOHRA, Charlie - 2 - - 8
TAHA, Hassan - 1 - - 4
Averages 22.13* 0.00 2.08 1.77 0.00 11.85
Totals (13 players) 0 27 23 0 154


Player Age T G FG Pts
BLIEL, Tareq 25 1 - - 4
BOUNIA, Nabil - 1 - - 4
EL BOUTCHI, Lahcen 25 1 - - 4
FAKIR, Houcine - 1 - - 4
JEAN, Jimmy 23 1 - - 4
LAMARTI, Ilyass 20 1 4 - 12
MAHFOUDI, Mustafa 20 1 - - 4
SABRI, Salim - 1 - - 4
Averages 23.07* 0.00 1.00 0.50 0.00 5.00
Totals (8 players) 0 8 4 0 40


Player Age T G FG Pts
DAJČ, Dimitris 20 1 - - 4
PEŠIĆ, Zoran 21 1 - - 4
POPŠOGOROVIĆ, Nemanja 18 1 - - 4
VUKANOVIĆ, Dalibor 18 - 5 - 10
ŽEBELJAN, Marko 20 1 - - 4
Averages 19.69 0.00 0.80 1.00 0.00 5.20
Totals (5 players) 0 4 5 0 26