Colin Van der Voort

Referee Career

Vital Statistics

Tuesday, 13th July, 1965
Current Age
58 years and 310 days


One of the game’s most consistent players during the late 1980s, Van Der Voort was a tireless worker at lock with the Panthers. Rock-solid in defence and fearless in attack, he was robbed of a place in Penrith's 1990 grand final team when he suffered a cruciate ligament injury but he more than made up for it with his great display in the club's historic grand final win against Canberra the following year. Injury also ruled him out of the NSW side in 1991 and again, in 1993, which forced him to sit out most of the season. Van Der Voort made a tentative return in 1994 but was given a rousing farewell by Penrith spectators in the final match of the season against Parramatta after announcing his retirement.

Referee Career Statistics

All statistics shown in this section are based only on data available in the RLP database, and are not necessarily a complete and/or 100% accurate representation of a player's career. This information should be used as a guide only. If you see a question mark (?), it denotes that the figure is not available.

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Your Say

  • Anonymous

    My dad taught him as an apprentice boiler maker and said pound for pound was one of the toughest men every met. And that saying something when his dad was world champ wood chopper.

  • Shane Craig

    Greatest panther ever

  • Want to have your say about this player? Add a comment.

Contributions: AJ Lucantonio, Paul Carter, Rugby League Tables, Andrew Ferguson, Max Turner, Greg Fiveash, Shawn Dollin, Alan Katzmann, Steven Russo

Sources: David Middleton's Rugby League Yearbook (1987-88 to present), Match Video