Aaron Moule

Referee Career

Vital Statistics

Monday, 20th June, 1977
Current Age
46 years and 326 days
Place Of Birth
Redcliffe, Queensland, Australia


Crushers’ utility player signed with the newly formed Melbourne Storm towards the end of the divided 1997 season. Moule secured a centre position in Melbourne’s grand final team and was one of the club’s most consistent players during the disappointing 2000-01 seasons. In a match against the N’Eagles in April 2001, he scored a club equal record 4 tries. He retired early in the 2002 season, voicing his disenchantment with the game, but made a comeback with Widnes in the 2004 English Super League season.

Referee Career Statistics

All statistics shown in this section are based only on data available in the RLP database, and are not necessarily a complete and/or 100% accurate representation of a player's career. This information should be used as a guide only. If you see a question mark (?), it denotes that the figure is not available.

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Contributions: Rugby League Tables, Andrew Ferguson, Shawn Dollin, Alan Katzmann, AJ Lucantonio, Greg Fiveash, Paul Carter, Bill Bates

Sources: NRL Rugby League Yearbook 2001, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 2002, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 2003, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 1999, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 2000, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 1998, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 2004, Richard Bailey's Rugby League World