Bryan 'Horse' Niebling

Referee Career

Vital Statistics

Monday, 18th July, 1960
Current Age
63 years and 292 days
Place Of Birth
Murgon, Queensland, Australia


Bryan ‘Horse’ Niebling was a constant thorn in the side of NSW forwards during the titanic State of Origin clashes of the early 1980s. His career in the State of Origin arena saw him make 9 appearances while playing for Valleys and Redcliffe. Niebling made his Test debut in the second row against Great Britain in 1984, and ultimately played in all three matches of Australia’s Ashes whitewash. A co-winner of Brisbane's Rothmans Medal in 1986 he toured with the unbeaten Kangaroos and played in 10 matches including all five Tests. By the time the Broncos had been promoted to the League in 1988 his career was winding down because of injury. The last of Niebling's 13 Test appearances was in Australia's 13-6 loss to NZ in Lang Park in 1987. He later played for Hull KR in 1989-91.

Referee Career Statistics

All statistics shown in this section are based only on data available in the RLP database, and are not necessarily a complete and/or 100% accurate representation of a player's career. This information should be used as a guide only. If you see a question mark (?), it denotes that the figure is not available.

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Contributions: AJ Lucantonio, Paul Carter, Rugby League Tables, Shawn Dollin, Andrew Ferguson, Greg Fiveash, Bill Bates, Michael Borg

Sources: NSWRL Rugby League Yearbook 1989-90, NSWRL Rugby League Yearbook 1988-89, Irvin Saxton's Record Keepers' Club, Rothmans Rugby League Yearbook 1991-92, Rothmans Rugby League Yearbook 1990-91