Paul Shahin

Referee Career

Referee Career Statistics

All statistics shown in this section are based only on data available in the RLP database, and are not necessarily a complete and/or 100% accurate representation of a player's career. This information should be used as a guide only. If you see a question mark (?), it denotes that the figure is not available.

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Your Say

  • Anonymous

    I would love to play against this bloke it cards, you would win every time, the hand he has been dealt, rugby league wise.
    Started at Parramatta in the early 1990's. Broke his arm on several occassions. Played A Reserve grade park footy in 1994 then played first grade for South Sydney in 1995. Injuried after a handful of games in first grade, that should have ended his career. Transferred to Penrith in 1996 but never given an opportunity to prove himself. Career ended after horrific accident during the off season .

  • Anonymous

    As a parramatta fan i remember watching him in the lower grades in the late 80's early 90's thinking he would be the next star with his speed and venomous defence. A real shame injuries surpressed and then cut short his career.

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Contributions: Rugby League Tables

Sources: ARL Rugby League Yearbook 1996