Brenton Pomery

Referee Career

Vital Statistics

Sunday, 11th March, 1973
Current Age
51 years and 36 days

Referee Career Statistics

All statistics shown in this section are based only on data available in the RLP database, and are not necessarily a complete and/or 100% accurate representation of a player's career. This information should be used as a guide only. If you see a question mark (?), it denotes that the figure is not available.

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Your Say

  • Shacko

    Giday Pom remember the days on the Ku-Ring-Gai council with the Big Gin , Bully and the Sainty Glasses. Mate the good old days lots of laughs thanks Shacko !

  • Danny

    Great player...great bloke...from a great family!
    Had the privilege to watch him play and see him put it on and run all over Spud Carroll at North Sydney oval in company with his parents!
    Would love to know where he is and his mum and dad to make contact!

  • Lisa

    Hi Brenton! Long time......I remember going to clubs with you when you were under age and the bouncers would step back to let you enter due to your deceiving size :) Lisa (your old Neighbour)

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Contributions: Rugby League Tables, Andrew Ferguson, Shawn Dollin, Alan Katzmann

Sources: NRL Rugby League Yearbook 2001, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 2002, ARL Rugby League Yearbook 1997, ARL Rugby League Yearbook 1996, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 1999, NRL Rugby League Yearbook 2000