Andrew Willett

Referee Career

Vital Statistics

Sunday, 23rd August, 1970
Current Age
53 years and 239 days

Referee Career Statistics

All statistics shown in this section are based only on data available in the RLP database, and are not necessarily a complete and/or 100% accurate representation of a player's career. This information should be used as a guide only. If you see a question mark (?), it denotes that the figure is not available.

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Your Say

  • Dickson Dobo

    Yes Andrew is wonderful person and I am Rabbitoh fan for life...I had a chance in meeting him when I had working stint with State Bank of NSW Sydney 1998...he was very good player who also played as a five eight with a rugby union team..,in PNG rugby is a national sport and knowing someone playing this sport personally is adoring and as they say immortal stuff.....all the best to him and the 1990 souths team mates like Iron Roberts, Mark Carrol, Mario Fenech, Craig Coleman, Phil Blake, Bruce Longbottom, Wayne Chisholms, Les Davidson and others...Go the Rabbits

  • Anonymous

    played soccer with him growing up at belmore soccer club..i have photo,s with him and film...great player back then at 10 years old

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Contributions: Rugby League Tables, Andrew Ferguson, Shawn Dollin

Sources: ARL Rugby League Yearbook 1996